(continued from Filter)

Filter 2

Screen Shot 5: Agent Commission–Filter 2 Selections

This screen allows filtering based on the three booking analysis codes (top three multi-select list boxes) and the three agent analysis codes (bottom three multi-select list boxes).


When selections have been completed, click the Forward button in the Agent Commission bar.

Screen Shot 6: Agent Commission–Selected Overpaid Bookings

Two tabs display in Screen Shot 6: Agent Commission–Selected Overpaid BookingsOverpaid Bookings and Other Bookings.

The Overpaid Bookings tab displays bookings which have met the filter criteria set on the two filter tabs and can be tagged for continued processing.

The Other Bookings tab displays bookings which have met the filter criteria, but do not qualify for some reason for further processing.

Screen Shot 7: Agent Commission–Selected Other Bookings

Screen Shot 7: Agent Commission–Selected Other Bookings above shows bookings that have met the selection filters, but have not been included in the list of Overpaid Bookings for the reason that (in most cases) the bookings have not been fully invoiced, and in one case, the booking has not yet been fully receipted.

The column headings at the top of these scrolls are the default headings for this screen. A full list of column headings available in this scroll is found under the heading Release Withheld Amounts Scroll.


There is a slight variation in the column headings which display in the Overpaid and Other Bookings screens. Common to both are:


The reference number of bookings selected.

Travel Date

The travel date of bookings selected.


The agent attached to the bookings selected.


The booking status of the bookings selected.


The booking currency of the bookings selected.

Agent Value

The agent value (booking retail less commission) of the bookings selected.

(continued in Overpaid Bookings Tab)